Installation Views

Ansh’ is the Sanskrit term for denoting a part or a portion.

Schopenhauer states that “at the lowest grades of its objectivity, where it still acts without knowledge, natural science, treats of the laws of the changes of its phenomena, in the form of morphology, of what is permanent in them. This almost endless task is lightened by the aid of concepts, which comprehend what is general in order that we may deduce what is particular from it. ” 

When we reflect on the human perspective regarding the natural world, it becomes clear that there is a prevailing tendency to perceive ourselves as the apex of all universal perspectives. This perception, however, belies a fundamental misunderstanding of our place within the broader cosmos. It is imperative, therefore, to communicate the necessity of a paradigm shift in human consciousness, one that embraces humility and acknowledges our interconnectedness with the vast tapestry of existence.This realization crystallized through a series of thought-provoking conversations with a naturalist, where the convergence of natural science and artistic expression served as fertile ground for exploration. By melding these disciplines, we endeavored to illuminate the inherent limitations and biases of human-centric perspectives, revealing the richness and complexity of the natural world beyond our anthropocentric gaze.

From these discussions emerged a compelling vision: to utilize the natural world as both a canvas and a teacher, employing its myriad wonders as evidence, comparison, material, source, and exhibit. Through this holistic approach, we sought to disrupt entrenched notions of human superiority and reframe our relationship with the environment as one of symbiosis and mutual respect. This vision found tangible expression in a series of innovative installations and architectural marvels, meticulously designed to challenge conventional wisdom and provoke introspection. These spaces were more than mere works of art; they were immersive experiences that invited participants to confront their assumptions and confront the awe-inspiring vastness of the cosmos.

At their core, these creations served as poignant reminders of our humble place in the universe, urging us to relinquish our hubris and embrace a more inclusive worldview. They symbolized our interconnectedness with all living beings and underscored our collective responsibility to steward the planet with care and reverence.In essence, this endeavor represented a profound journey of self-discovery and enlightenment, inviting humanity to re-evaluate its role in the grand tapestry of life and embrace a more harmonious relationship with the natural world. Through artful expression and interdisciplinary collaboration, we endeavored to ignite a spark of introspection and catalyze transformative change on both individual and societal levels.

Created By : Lallan With : Life Meets The Lens